Explore Wonderful Polotsk Belarus – Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Polotsk, founded in 862, is the oldest town in Belarus and one of the oldest in the Slavic region. This historic town has witnessed Viking incursions, crusader battles, and occupations, making it a treasure trove of history and culture. The town’s strategic location on the Western Dvina River made it a significant center of trade…
Explore Wonderful Vitebsk Belarus – Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Vitebsk is in the east part of the Vitebsk district on the river Zapadnaya Dvina. It’s the second most ancient city in Belarus after Polotsk and the third according to population. The Marc Chagall Museum, being the house where the artist was born and spent his youth is the most visited museum in the city. It’s…
Explore Minsk, the Vibrant Capital of Belarus – Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Minsk, the capital of Belarus has some nice places to visit. The National Library, The Football Arena and the Sports Palace are some examples of architecture in this still unknown city.